Saturday, November 2, 2019

Bacterial Meningitis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Bacterial Meningitis - Research Paper Example d deep kissing, suffer from chronic ear and nose infection, and who have contracted pneumococcal pneumonia are at a higher risk of developing this disease. This ailment is characterized by high fever, headaches, increasing drowsiness, and irritability. Immediate medical attention has to be obtained, upon suspecting the presence of this disease. In general, it is advisable to undergo hospitalization. The recommended therapy is to administer antibiotics. Despite the reported 10% fatality rate of this disease, early diagnosis and treatment have ensured recovery in the majority of the patients. The most common cause of meningitis is bacterial or viral infection that has commenced in some other region of the body. Some examples are, the ears, sinuses, or upper respiratory tract. On occasion, meningitis results from autoimmune disorders, fungal infections, and medications. Bacterial meningitis proves to be contagious with regard to people who are in close physical contact (Johnson, 2013). The inflammation of the meninges or the membranes that enclose the spinal cord and the brain, constitutes bacterial meningitis. The cause of the inflammation is bacterial infection that can prove to be fatal. These bacteria are present in the mouth, nose, throat, and spread from an infected individual to another via coughing, osculation, or the sharing of food or beverages. This infection can also spread from an infection of the brain, ear, nose, sinus, or throat. Such infection can also be spread by a head injury or head surgery (, 2013). Among children and young adults, meningococcus or Neisseria meningitides, and Streptococcus pneumonia occur frequently. These are the principal causes of meningitis in the US, and there are vaccines available for Neisseria meningitides, and Streptococcus pneumonia. These vaccines have been recommended for all the people who are special risk. The bacteria tend to spread from individual to individual via coughing and sneezing (Johnson,

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