Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ad Comparison Soap

Nick Barnett Bethann Bowman English 101 October 5, 2009 Soap Over the Ages Many of these advertisements feature soap. It makes you smell great and can even attract a member of the opposite sex. Soap advertisements have been baiting men by bringing attractive women into the ads for decades. The soap ads of the 1950s and the ads of today are equally effective; both use sex appeal, although the bluntness and textual content vary greatly, the new ads are more explicit and less wordy. The audience of the 1950s needed soft colors and visual images with many meanings. The Lifebuoy ad uses cartoon people and very pale colors. Visually, this allows the few things in a bright color to stand out. The tag-line â€Å"It smells so good now, it makes me wonder†¦ † stands out along with the Lifebuoy box which is also red to grab the attention of the reader amongst the dull colors surrounding it. The woman in the background has a few possible meanings; sex appeal, appeal to women, or maybe even a figure of cleanliness. Text in an ad of the 1950s is a must and tells exactly what is being advertised and why it is better than the competition. The text in the ad builds up Lifebuoy by saying, â€Å"Now you get protection as long as 3 days. † Lifebuoy also announces its discovery of something new called Puritan. Then, Lifebuoy start bashing the competition with words such as, â€Å" New Lifebuoy protects you longer than the old Lifebuoy, and longer, of course, than any leading toilet soap. † The use of italics with the phrase toilet soap is meant to draw your attention to it and make sure you understand how bad all other soaps are. Lifebuoy also guarantees you will like it or you will receive a refund. The text of the 1950s ad is the bulk of the ad unlike the ads of today. This is most likely due to the culture the 1950s had a slower pace of life than the 2000s. The LYNX advertisement of the 2000s is almost entirely based off images. The focal point of the ad is a woman in nothing but underwear covered in mud with the words â€Å"wash me† written on her. The woman is also standing in a shower and looks like she is getting ready to take off the rest of her clothes. This ad is completely based on sex appeal. Sex has been proven to sell, and in this case, sex is selling body wash. Masculinity is provoked by the very opposite, a feminine body in the blue (male) shower with the blue (male) body wash. LYNX selling point is that if you use LYNX, you will have attractive women wanting you. This an effective strategy, but it is also stereotyping women as sex objects. The â€Å"wash me† written on her stomach is similar to what people write on cars and is used to humor the audience. There is only one line of actual text in the ad it says, â€Å"LYNX Shower Gel. Get Dirty. † The text is used to reinforce the image and the sex appeal of the product. In fifty years, soap advertisers have not changed their visual strategy. Both the ad from the 1950s and the one of the 2000s rely on sex appeal to sell their product. The use of women as the sex object from which they are launching their advertising campaign is also the similar. They both are also risque for their time and push the border between what is appropriate and what is not just a little further. They both imply that if their soap is used, then you too will have a beautiful woman almost naked wanting you. They both also have provocative text to reinforce their sexual images. The 1950s ad says, â€Å"It smells so good now, it makes me wonder†¦ † implies that he is wondering something sexual because there is a woman in a towel in the background. The LYNX ad uses the line, â€Å"Get Dirty. † with the dirty woman in the ad this is obviously a sexual innuendo. Both advertisements use sex to sale their product, that is undeniable, but the degree which they do it is vast. The LYNX ad uses just seven words to sell their product, only two of which tell what the product is. The 1950s ad on the other hand has over five paragraphs of text describing the product in full detail. The Lifebuoy ad takes a shot at the competition in their text and even offers a money back guarantee. The LYNX ad does none of these things in its short, seven word ad. The LYNX ad also has a more blatant use of sexuality. These differences are likely due to the difference in time periods. The ad in the 1950s had to do more than catch attention with sex appeal. It had to describe thoroughly why it was better to win over an audience that placed an astounding importance on quality. The 2000s audience however does not have time to read words in its fast paced society making the limited amount of text convenient to the reader. This audience also more callused to sexuality so a more explicit image is necessary to attract the same amount of attention. Ads for soap have changed dramatically over the years. They have gotten less wordy and more colorful. The style of the soap has even changed from bar form to liquid. The thing that has not changed though, is that selling soap is still all about sex. Works Cited Lever Bros. â€Å"It smells so good now, it makes me wonder†¦ † Advertisement. Lever Bros. Lever Bros, n. d. Web 10 Oct. 2009. Unilever. â€Å"Get Dirty† Advertisement. Unilever. Unilever, n. d. Web. 10 Oct. 2009. Works Sited

Friday, August 30, 2019

Leadership in organizational behavior Essay

Leadership is the process of influencing people and providing an environment for them to achieve team or organisational objectives. As a property, Leadership is the set of characteristics attributed to those who are perceived to use such influence successfully. Leadership involves neither force nor coercion. It is widely believed in the world of business that leadership is the key ingredient in the recipe for corporate achievement. Typically, when we speak of leaders we are referring to people who influence others without threat, using non-coercive means. In fact, this characteristic distinguishes a leader from a dictator. Whereas dictators get others to do what they want by using threats of physical force, leaders do not. Subordinates accept influence from leaders because they respect, like, or admire them as well as because they hold positions of formal authority (that is, leaders may have both position power and personal power). We need to caution against the everyday practice of using tile terms leader and manager interchangeably. The primary function of a leader is to create the essential purpose or mission of the organization and the strategy for attaining it. In contrast, the job of the manager is to implement that vision. He or she is responsible for achieving that end, taking the steps necessary to turn the leader’s vision into reality. The confusion between these two terms is understandable insofar as the distinction between establishing a mission and implementing it is often blurred in practice. This is because many leaders, such as top corporate executives, are frequently called upon not only to create a vision, but also to help implement it. Similarly, managers often are required to lead those who are subordinate to them while also carrying out their leader’s mission. With this in mind, it has been observed that too many so-called â€Å"leaders† get bogged down in the managerial aspects of their job, creating organizations that are â€Å"over managed and under lead. † Leadership Perspectives Goal Attainment : influence function of leadership and deals the mechanisms that motivate members’ behaviors towards the group’s goals. Adaptation : helps the group to define its goal in a way that is consistent with the demands of the environment in which operates. Integration : some mechanism must coordinate the activities of group members towards the common goal e. g – Communication and conflict resolution Maintenance : mechanism to maintain their morale and keep them interested in staying in the group THEORIES OF LEADERSHIP: There are three major approaches to leadership: a) trait theories, b) behavioral theories, c) situational theories. Trait theories highlight that there exists a finite set of individual traits or characteristics that distinguish successful from unsuccessful leaders. Behavioral theories highlight that the most important aspect of leadership is not the traits of the leader, but what the leader does in various situations. Successful leaders are distinguished form unsuccessful leaders by their particular style of leadership. Situational theories outlines that the effectiveness of the leader is not only determined by his or her style of behavior, but also by the situation surrounding the leadership environment. Situational factors include the characteristics of the leader and the subordinates, the nature of the task and the structure of the group. THE TRAIT APPROACH: ARE SOME PEOPLE REALLY â€Å"BORN LEADERS†? Common sense leads us to think that some people have more of â€Å"the right stuff’ than others, and are just naturally better leaders. And, if you look at some of the great leaders throughout history, such as Martin Luther King, Jr. , Alexander the Great, and Abraham Lincoln, to name just a few, it is clear that such individuals certainly have characteristics in common that differ from ordinary folks. The question is â€Å"what is it that makes great leaders so great? † Leaders have certain traits, e. g. Honesty and Integrity : Trustworthy ; reliable ; open Intelligence Self – Confidence : Trust in own abilities Emotional maturity Stress tolerance Task – relevant knowledge : knowledge of business, relevant technical matters Ambition and high energy : Desire for achievement ; tenacity ; initiative Desire to lead : leadership motivation – desire to exercise influence over others to reach shared goals Research suggest that traits contribute less than 10% of what makes a successful leader Leadership Grid (Robert R. Blake & Jane Mouton) Impoverished Mgmt (1,1): Exertion of minimum efforts to get the required work done is appropriate to sustain organization membership. Country Club Mgmt (1,9): Thoughtful attention to the needs of people for satisfying relationships leads to a comfortable organizational atmosphere and work tempo. Middle Of The Road Mgmt (5,5): Adequate organizational performance is possible through balancing the necessity to get out work with maintaining morale of the people at satisfying level. Authority Compliance (9,1): Efficiency in operational results from arranging conditions of work in such a way that human elements interfere to a minimum degree. Team Mgmt (9,9): Work accomplishment is from committed people; inter dependence through a common stake. In organization purpose leads to relationships of trust and respect. Managerial Grid: The five basic approaches to management identified by Black and Mouton are based on the two dimensions of concern of people and concern for production that are associated with leaders. A managerial grid is formed based on these two dimensions which are rated on 9 point scale. If manager is securing the lowest score on these two dimensions I,I is identified as impoverished style of managers who are low on both their concern of people and production, 1,9 or country club style is designated to those managers who are having high concern for people but low concern for production. The 5, 5 or the middle-of-the road style concerns the moderate levels of concern for both people and production. The 9,1 or task management style is one where there is a high concern for production but very little concern for people and finally, 9,9 or team management style is one where the manager has high concern for both people and production. According to Black and Mouton the one best style for all mangers is the 9,9 or team management style. Fiedler’s Model Effective groups depend on a proper match between a leader’s style of interacting with subordinates and the degree to which the situation gives control and influence to the leader. LEADER SITUATION MATCH A task oriented leader is appropriate for a very favorable or very unfavorable situation. Relationship oriented behavior is predicted to work best when situation is moderately favorable or unfavorable. /* only read Favorable Situation: The situation is considered as highly favorable if it possess a high level of positive interpersonal relations between leaders and members, a well defined task structures and a leaders perceive that they are bestowed with strong perceived positional power. In such type of situation the leader will have a great deal of control over situations and will simply have to make sure that he gives the necessary instructions to get the task done. There is no need for him to waste time talking to each employee in order to be perceived as friendly. A task-oriented style will be effective in such situation. Unfavorable Situation: The situation is considered as highly unfavorable if it possesses a low level of interpersonal relationship between leaders and members, a poorly defined task and a relatively a weak perceived power. The leader of a task-force committee which is appointed to solve problems encountered in the work setting is likely to find him in such a situation. In such type of situation, the leader is in highly vulnerable situations and there is no other way to enforce a strict discipline and order to bring the situation in normalcy than following relationship oriented style. Moderately Favorable Situation: Here the leader might find herself in a mixed situation. For instance, a manager might have good relationship with her workers, but the task structure and position power of the leader may be low. For example, a bank officer may have a good relationship staff member, but the task structure or the power to control the staff members (either to reward or punish members) is not strong enough. In such situations, the manager will be very successful and get the desirable results if he follows more of relationships oriented style than task oriented task style. */ PATH GOAL THEORY PATH GOAL THEORY believes that a leader can change subordinates expectancies by clarifying the path between the subordinates’ action and the outcome, which is the goal which the employee wants to achieve. Whether leader’s behavior can do so effectively also depends on situational factors. Path-Goal Leadership Model Path-Goal Leadership Behaviour Directive Leadership Behavior: This deals with planning, organizing, controlling and coordinating of subordinates activities by the leader. It is similar to the traditional dimension of initiating structure in that the leader’s emphasis is on letting the subordinates know what is expected of them. Supportive Leadership Behavior: This concerns giving support consideration to the needs of the subordinates, displaying concern for their well-being and welfare and creating a friendly and pleasant environment. Participative—a pattern in which the leader consults with subordinates, permitting them to participate in decision making. Achievement-oriented—an approach in which the leader sets challenging goals and seeks improvements in performance. The benefits to the company of the achievement-oriented leader approach include greater employee confidence and commitment, more employee decision making, increased employee creativity, more challenging objectives, and reduced supervision for employees who work best independently. SITUATIONAL FACTORS Employee Contingencies Locus of control A Participative leader is suitable for subordinates with internal locus of control. A directive leader is suitable for supportives for external locus of control. Self perceived ability Subordinates who perceive themselves as having high ability do not like directive leadership. Environmental Contingencies When working on a task that has a high structure, directive leadership is redundant and less effective. When a highly formal authority system is in place, directive leadership can again reduce worker’s satisfaction. When subordinates are in a team environment that offers great social support, the supportive leadership style becomes less necessary TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP Definition: It’s the process of leading for change rather than for stability. Transformational leaders Leading — changing the organisation to fit the environment Develop, communicate, enact a vision. It is exercised when the leader intellectually stimulates the subordinates, excites, arouses and inspires them to perform far beyond what they would have thought themselves capable of. By providing a new vision, the transformational leader transforms the followers into people who self-actualize. Charismatic leadership is central to transformational leaderships. These kinds of leaders guide or motivate their follower’s in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requirements. Transformational leaders arouse strong emotions. They also help transform their followers by teaching them, often serving as mentors. In so doing, transformational leaders seek to encourage followers to do their own thing. In contrast, charismatic leaders may keep their followers weak and highly dependent on them. A charismatic leader may be the whole show, whereas a transformational leader does a good job of inspiring change in the whole organization. Many celebrities, be they musicians, actors, or athletes, tend to be highly charismatic, but they do not necessarily have any transformational effects on their followers. As such, although some people may idolize certain rock stars, and dress like them, these celebrities’ charisma will unlikely stimulate their fans into making sacrifices that revitalize the world. When you think of it this way, its easy to see how charisma is just a part of transformational leadership.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Analysis of Burger Kings Seven Incher Hamburger Advertisement

Analysis of Burger King's "Seven Incher" Hamburger Advertisement Two young teenage boys are dropped off at the mall and their parents run some errands. Armed with ten bucks each and some time to kill, the boys begin to roam the halls looking for anything they can spend their money on. While walking near the food court they catch a whiff of many different traditional foods, but what they see really catches their eye. On a banner near Burger King stands an advertisement of a wide-eyed young girl with her mouth open facing a BK (Burger King) â€Å"Seven Incher† hamburger. The text around the photo reads, â€Å"It’ll blow your mind away† in all caps. Hormones racing, the two boys know what the bulk of their money will be spent on. Companies who create advertisements for products that are essentially â€Å"a dime a dozen† will seek to publish something that sticks out. Was this method the best possible way to do so? Or might it create more problems than good for Burger King? I’m going to make the argument that BK uses sex in advertisements to target their younger male audience, rather than specifically using their products. I will do this by evaluating Burger King’s target audience, their history of advertisements, and the slogans and pictures incorporated in their messages. Method Target audience is defined as â€Å"a specific group within a larger audience†. Target audiences are used in marketing by companies who want to reach a specific demographic of people and also share specific demographic traits. Slogans are â€Å"a brief attention-getting phrase used in advertising or promotion† (Merriam Webster, 2015, 2). Companies use these to make an advertisement connect with their target audience. Analysis Burger King’s target audience when these advertisements were run was a younger male-focused group (Morrison, 2012, 1). More recently Burger King has branched out and developed newer, healthier options for their menu. However, the stereotypical â€Å"manly meat† menu that they previously sported appealed directly to their target audience. The â€Å"seven-inch burger† advertisement ran with the skinny model covered in makeup, mouth open and eyes wide, facing the burger while the written message read, â€Å"It’ll blow your mind away†. Another advertisement BK ran was the legs of a woman from the knee down, while she only wears red high heels and a Burger King crown around her ankles. Clearly, this gives the illusion that she would be wearing little but the â€Å"crown† and once again points directly to the sexual nature and overall target audience of the brand. Combine the audience with the suggestive sexual messages, and Burger King all of a sudden not selling value meals and sides but rather sexual innuendos directly aimed at their male-dominant young audience. Burger King has a history of running advertisements that have been edgy and sexually suggestive over the last 20 years. Since Burger King has a product and product line that is duplicated by many (that being the fast food and hamburger industry), they are essentially not advertising just their product and prices but instead a snapshot of what they offer combined with sex. In the advertisement with the woman wearing the BK crown around her ankles, her shoes are a dark shade of red. Red is the â€Å"most emotionally intense color, red stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing† (Johnson, 2015, 5). The color red also â€Å"exudes a strong and powerful masculine energy† while â€Å"stimulating deeper and more intimate passions in us, such as love and sex† (Scott-Kemmis, 2015, 6). It simply was not just by chance that BK chose to place red shoes on a model with a suggestive notation attached to it, but instead a carefully constructed message aimed to maximize their p rofits for their audience. The written slogans in each individual message, while it has something to do with the products they offer, arguably has just as much to do with sexual suggestions. â€Å"It’ll blow your mind away† is a message constructed about sex, with the product in mind. â€Å"Irresistibly long beefy† is another slogan by Burger King that possesses that same double standard of fitting the product and sex. Because this message is written in all capital letters, the advertisement gives the vibe that the message is masculine and not afraid to hide the double meaning. In the advertisement that solely has the woman’s legs with the BK crown around her ankles, there are no words that appear on the publication except for a small picture of a new product they are introducing. Because there are not any words tying the picture to any specific product, it seems to be an obvious example of thinking sex first, then their overall brand. Knowing that their audience is young and male dominated, this advertisement tactic may be the best possible solution, even though morally it may seem unethical or wrong. While it may be true that sex does sell, perhaps the reason why they had to incorporate other products and target a new audience was because the food industry was not the best place to sport that idea. There is clearly no doubt that these advertisements were published with the idea of sex first and their products and brand second. Looking at the original target audience, history of print advertisements, and the written slogans on each, there is no question that their focus was tapping into the industry of their young male audience. It is safe to say Burger King thought the best way to do so was through the means of mesmerizing customers with women and sexually indicative messages.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Looking at the world from today's perspective, what do you consider to Essay

Looking at the world from today's perspective, what do you consider to be the TWO biggest problems (political, economic, socia - Essay Example These changes mostly influence individual lives and relation with each other. The two primary problems in the world today are religious conflicts and globalization. The survival of the world remains at stake if Christians and Muslims cannot make peace (Sisk 21). Difference in religious values surely threatens survival of people in the world today. Moreover, where religious values clash with political ideologies, bloodshed can arise. This makes religious conflict a global problem today. Globalization, on the other hand, involves interconnection of countries’ political, religious, economic and social policies in a global setting. It requires that no country operates on its own, and ensures sharing of ideologies in an international framework. This is detrimental to political and individual’s survival since it erodes political and social cultures plus providing no security on territories. This paper analyzes these two problems; globalization and religious conflicts, explain ing why they are global problems. Moreover, the paper describes historical roots of these problems, and how they impact the world people live in today. The discussion appears below. To begin with, religious conflict is a significant problem in the world today. ... In a recent letter by Islamic scholars to the Pope, they state that the world cannot be at peace if Muslims and Christian are not at peace. For this reason, these scholars state similarities in the two religions by quoting the Bible and Quran, identifying instances which require love of one’s neighbor and the need to worship one God in both cases. This transcends the need for conflict between these two religions, describing peace as a primary requirement for coexistence. The historical roots of this problem dates back to many years back. The idea of conflicting religious values happens to be a significant problem in the world today. Biblical history identifies differences in these issues from a long time. The Islam and Christians religious differences have their roots in early times. The conflict between Judaism and Islam involves religious groups and dates back to more than 3000 years. This conflict exists in the Christian and Jewish Old testament and other records. History s ays that the conflict between these two groups has its roots from the religious differences between Judaism and Islam. The Arab-Israel war also dates back to such times. The idea behind this war is differences in ideologies between Israel and Arab countries on religious issues. The weaponry nature of these countries facilitates the war, and leads to loss of much lives. Though appearing to be a political war, this war has its causes on differences in religious values between the two countries. However, the idea of worship is synonymous in both cases, which makes the situation complex (Chirico 61). Arab countries advocate for justice, and believe that death sentences for atonement of sins

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

International business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

International business - Assignment Example This project covers all aspects of producing green cars. Starting with research, production of green cars and production of batteries the government wants to produce a network of battery charging stations throughout France. The government plans to provide 900 million Euros of the total investment announced in the form of state loans. By 2030 the green fuel car sector in France is projected to hold 27% of the market share and will be worth 15 billion Euros as per the ecology ministry projections (Boehm 2009). Thus, looking at these ambitious plans of the French government, France is the best country to collaborate with for hybrid car technology. China and France are completely opposite to each other as far as the cultural and institutional aspects are concerned. This difference is reflected in their management style also. Starting with the demographics, the population of China is more than 1.3 billion while that of France is around 63 million. Because of high population the Chinese government has made laws to restrict the growth and also generate a population which is hardworking and devoted. Thus, all people in China voluntarily seek for employment as unemployment is seen as a social stigma. In contrast to this, French people enjoy the social security provided by their government. Hence, they are more secure as far as unemployment benefits are concerned. This reflects in their way of working as they are not always driven by the need to keep their jobs. The basic difference between the two countries lies in their government set up. China is a socialist republic while France is a capitalist and democratic country. If we look at their religious and social setup, we can see that Chinese people are more religion oriented and also believe in taking care of old. Because of the vastness of population, there are many religions in China. The old generation of China is the responsibility of

Monday, August 26, 2019

Nestle case study - Creating Shared Value in the Supply Chain

Nestle - Creating Shared Value in the Supply Chain - Case Study Example This paper outlines ways through which nestle creates shared value within the supply chain relating to the cocoa production. It also outlines the importance of applying corporate social responsibility principle in a business activity. The paper also outlines some of the key players in Nestle Cocoa supply chain and the factors that drive the Nestle supply chain. Finally, paper discusses the ways Nestle creates value and the challenges that come with that process. The Nestle Cocoa Plan Nestle has implemented this through creating greater values for the societies. This includes improvements of water, nutrition and rural development. The supply chain activity that is specified includes transforming the raw materials and other natural resources into finished goods consumed by the end consumers. The processes involved are linked to consumers, human rights and labor practices, employees, suppliers and customers and the environment. The consumers are the larger group that consumes the produc ts manufactured by Nestle. Every stage in the supply chain process adds value to the end product (Nestle Case Study). The major key players in this supply chain are farmers, cooperatives, processors or manufacturers, retailers and consumers. The cocoa farmers are tasked with the job of growing the crops that produce cocoa. The cooperatives represent the institutions that manage the sale of the crops by the farmers. They act like unions of farmers who form them to control the market for the crops. Nestle fall under the stage of manufacturers or processors. These are tasked with the production of products which are the end products from the raw materials. Nestle for instance manufactures chocolate and their equivalent from these raw materials. The retailers represent those channels that receive orders from nestle. These channels distribute the products to the end users or rather the consumers. The consumers, who are the last players in the supply chain represents the individuals who p urchase the end products (Nestle Case Study). The chart above represents the process of activities that are involved in the supply chain of the Cocoa plan. In order to coordinate the raw materials that Nestle uses to manufacture the end products, it has to coordinate the way farmers are handled in terms of the market and wages (Nestle Case Study). Factors Driving the Cocoa Supply Chain Shared value that is created by Nestle is based on a number of factors that majorly can be categorized under the corporate social responsibility. Nestle carries out its business based on the international laws and codes that define the conduct and the company business principles, as well as, compliance to environment sustainability regulations. The company, however, under the creating shared platform came up with other factors that would drive the supply chain. The principles that are set by international organizations such as the United Nations help in guiding the company in its value creation in the supply chain through its approach in the corporate social responsibility. An example of this according to the Nestle case study is the principles that incorporate the UN Global Principles. This relates to the Human rights, labor, corruption and environment (Nestle Case Study). The company, for instance, has helped the farmers to eliminate

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Development in Accounting and Corporate reporting Essay

Development in Accounting and Corporate reporting - Essay Example This paper examines these developments and other issues that may have impacted in the development of accounting. It is important to understand the historical background of any subject such as accounting. Understanding accounting background and how it has developed is essential in understanding the past, and leads to a better understanding of the present practices. Understanding the historical background of accounting discipline, trends and practices that could have led to its current status facilitates better understanding of the profession. It is only through evaluation of the historical developments of the subject that people may appreciate accounting as it is today and its significance in the society, in organizations or other areas of application. Moreover, understanding the historical background enhances a better understanding of the objectives of the accounting theory and what the subject intended to achieve. In other words, a problem is better solved by understanding the objectives at the initial stages of a process. Furthermore, understanding the historical background of the subject al lows people to delve deep into understanding social, economic and political events and the significance of the subject in shaping these issues. For instance, as the article illustrates, there is a debate on whether accounting was a social construction, based on how accounting influences the society. Considering that there lacks a universal understanding of the accounting theory, the theory may be best understood by investigating the use of data, which people relate to accounting practices. Understanding such practices and how they relate to use of accounting data will lead to credible links on what accounting theory might mean, and how it has evolved over time to what it is today, as well as its impact on the social, economic and political

Community Impact And Practice Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Community Impact And Practice - Research Paper Example Reflective practice as a concept has been extensively used as applied to education for a considerable amount of time. Its success in education has seen it being adopted by health workers and other professionals over time. This has played a pivotal role in causing reflective practice to become widely regarded as being one of the key defining features marking competence. There are a number of different Reflective Practice models available and their use and applicability is seen to be largely varied from one organization or writer to the next one (Smith and Roberts, 2011). The different models of reflective practice in use have caused what is understood to be reflective practice to be quite different within a number of different disciplines and intellectual traditions. It is now quite common to find a number of multiple and contradictory understandings of what exactly are reflective practice within the very same discipline. ... In addition to the examination of the assumptions made in everyday practice, Engaging in reflective practice is also seen to generally involve causing the individual practitioner to become self-aware and resort to critically evaluating their very own responses to the practice situations. The main objective of this is to attempt to recapture practice experiences and subsequently mull them over so as to be able to gain relevant new understandings and consequently be in a general position to improve future practice. 1.1.1 Importance of Reflective Practice Reflective practice is generally promoted as being a key element in the general delivery of effective services to the rather diverse populations of children, infants and families. Reflective practice has been touted as improving the engagement with clients as well as aiding practitioners in seeing a number of strengths and differences that they might normally not be able to perceive ( 2013). It helps individuals access the â€Å"how† of how things are supposed to be done and includes both the unspoken and spoken processes. Reflective practice has been variously described as being the bridge from theory to practice (Hirst, 2005) as it offers processes that aid its various practitioners in taking concepts that they happen to believe and know and effectively apply them to the myriad real-life situations that are normally seen to be fraught with complexity. 1.1.2 Reflective Practice in the Enhancement of CPD and PDP The population changes seen to be affecting most of Europe and the United States that have mainly resulted in an increasingly aging workforce and ever decreasing pool of highly qualified professional talent is seen to be critically affecting the modern day workforce. It is

Saturday, August 24, 2019

360-degree feedback Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

360-degree feedback - Case Study Example Downward feedback is the feedback received from direct supervisors and also superiors from other areas. Upward feedback is the feedback received from individuals who are either directly reporting to the person who is receiving the feedback or feedback from other people in the lower hierarchy. The last one is feedback collected from the people at the same level i.e. peers, clients, and/or colleagues. At Landon, the 360-degree feedback is used to get feedback so that employees can work on all developmental areas; however, they are not appraised based on this feedback. Yet, 360-degree feedback is believed to be critical for the organization’s performance. . Ideally, 360-degree feedback is collected to assess the performance of a supervisor or an individual in terms of people management, process and client management. Also, 360-degree feedback helps to understand personality of the individual and perception that peers have on the individual. It would be a good practice if the name s of the feedback providers from downward, upward & from peer groups are not disclosed to the feedback receiver. In the present case, Sam shares the 360-degree feedback report with Alex along with the names of the people who provided the feedback. This is one of the reasons 360-degree feedback is not accepted by people and/or people hesitate to provide an open and honest feedback, especially when the feedback is for someone at higher level. The 360-degree feedback should be explained to everyone so that everyone understands the concept and purpose in the right manner. This can be further improvised if the feedback is backed up with strong data or information. Based on Alex’s notion about .360-degree feedback, it is clear that he is not fully aware of its importance in helping him perform better. Alex is unaware of the impact each feedback plays in helping him grow to higher levels of leadership. Therefore, he should be educated about the significance and purse of 360-degree f eedback before providing feedback collected so that he conditions his approach to receiving the feedback with an open mind. 2. What behaviors by Alex are having the greatest impact on the 360-degree data? Alex’s performance and behavior enticed positive and negative feedback from all groups that provided feedback. Firstly, Alex is recognized as an aggressive performer with high career aspirations. His strong educational background and little work experience that has been so successful have contributed to the aggression and the drive to achieve every milestone. This drive further reinforces Alex’s commitment to work and encourages him to work harder. His efforts to go extra mile is well appreciated and does whatever it takes to achieve his goal. Alex expects the same commitment and efforts from his subordinates as well. Alex’s confidence gained through immense efforts and utmost commitment is very evident based on the feedback received. He is recognized as very i mpulsive because his subordinates feet that he is not good listener. In the sense, he always provides instructions, but does not seek others opinion or ask for their inputs on business-related matters. Moreover, his aggression causes him to react impulsively, which the team members as well as peers feel is overpowering and ill treating. Similar feedback from his peers makes him less approachable; however, his immense knowledge and tactful dealing with business challenges makes him a popular and desired employee. It is evident that Alex Sanders is aspiring for higher roles in the leadership position and greater achievements. The 360-degree feedback from his superiors, subordinates and peers has much

Friday, August 23, 2019

Describe a political actors role in international public law Research Paper

Describe a political actors role in international public law - Research Paper Example At the same time, another best case scenario is approaching proper channels to punish as well as restraint the aggressors. So, if a nation or its leader or group of people indulges in violent activities, it has to be countered not through another cycle of violence, but through a sound legal approach. If a leader or certain individuals of a country initiate and indulge in violence or other criminal activities, they will have to be punished by the legal system, practiced in their country. However, some times, if that leader or individuals manipulate and negatively influence the domestic legal system in their favor, its purpose will be defeated. In that scenario only, the international legal system comes into the picture to rein that specific nation or leader or individuals. This positive avenue could also be blockaded, if they refuse to cooperate or being trialed under the international legal system. So, this paper will analyze the international legal systems, its effect on human right s and importantly on a country’s sovereignty with specific focus on United States of America (USA). Vestiges of multilateralism There are only few institutions which can be considered as the last vestiges of multilateralism in this unilateral leaning world. ... This legal order equates all the nations and disciplines the nations in all aspects especially human rights. Even while focusing on this multilateral perspective, there is also the other side of the coin, as certain countries are skeptical about this international legal order particularly United States of America. These countries abhor the participation of international institutions in their domestic affairs, and instead state that their local legal system is apt enough to handle those affairs. â€Å"†¦they hold that States remain the leading source of all international rules—the limiting factor that ensures that international relations are shaped, and remain anchored to, the politics of the sovereign state† (Held, 2002). Most countries of the world would not want or allow outside interference in the internal affairs of their country. Moreover, if it is a military form of intervention they will oppose it or even fight against it. â€Å"Few countries of the world, large or small, would agree to entrust their security or other vital national interests entirely to a multilateral institution† (Jayakumar, 2003). They will not trust the international institutions and would not allow them to mediate or put their citizens under trial or even prosecute them. Based on the leverage, nations give to these international institutions regarding their ‘internal affairs’, Held had formulated three models, classic sovereignty, liberal international sovereignty and cosmopolitan sovereignty. The model ‘classic sovereignty’ gives the countries a free reign regarding their internal affairs without outside interference, and so it is also the law of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Role of Ammonia in Hepatic Encephalopathy Essay Example for Free

Role of Ammonia in Hepatic Encephalopathy Essay The human liver is truly amazing, however little is ever said about the organ. Most people probably wouldn’t be able to locate their liver if they’re asked to do so. The second largest organ in the body and weighing about 3 pounds, the liver is located right under your rib cage on the right side of your body. It is the only organ that is able to regenerate. While most organs replace damage with scar tissue, the liver has the ability to replace damaged tissues with new cells. The primary function of the liver is to process food that has been consumed into nutrients and filter out any harmful substances that may be the bloodstream. The liver is responsible for keeping our blood suitable for our bodies. With that understood it saddens me to say that there is an estimated 30 million people living in the U.S. with liver failure. These 30 million people are unable to filter out any harmful toxins that may be flowing in their bloodstream. With time they may began to suffer from Hepatic Encephalopathy. Described as episodes of confusion and altered levels of consciousness Hepatic Encephalopathy is caused by to an accumulation of ammonia in the bloodstream that would usually be filtered out by the liver. Although Hepatic encephalopathy is completely reversible with treatment there are very few treatments available. Pharmaceutical have saved many lives through experimental studies and treatments. Although very controversial; many people choose to participate in these studies in hopes of increasing their chances to live a normal life despite suffering from an ailment. I chose to do my assignment on a double-blinded study on the use of Glycerol Phenylbutyrate (also known as Ravicti) in patients with Episodic Hepatic Encephalopathy. The study was completed by Dr. Don Rockey who is the Chief of Medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina. While delivering his oral presentation which he titled â€Å"Randomized†, Dr. Rockey mentioned â€Å"the study results provide new insight into the importance of ammonia in the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy. Based on its safety profile, Hyperion’s investigational drug, Glycerol Phenylbutyrate shows promise as a novel therapeutic agent.† The study was conducted with a total of 178 patients selected randomly. 50 of who were on the drug Rifaximin which is a drug also commonly used to prevent episodes of heptatic encephalopany. 29 of the 178 patients were placed on placebo and the remaining 30 patients were placed on the active drug Ravicti. If effective those on the active drug Ravicti should expect to see fewer levels of ammonia in the blood, thus resulting in fewer episodes of heptatic encephalopany. Ho = Patients placed on Ravicti will see no change in ammonia levels in the bloodstream and will continue to have Hepatic Encephalopathy episodes. H1 = Patients placed on Ravicti will see change in ammonia levels in the bloodstream and will have little to no Hepatic Encephalopathy episodes. The results from the study conclude that among the 119 patients not on Rifaximin showed a highly statistical significant reduction among treated patients with 10% vs. 32% (p= 0.003.) Among the patients in the active part of the study experienced fewer Hepatic Encephalopathy episodes 21% vs. 36% (p=0.021.) Those in the active study also reported ammonia levels to be significantly lower 45.7 vs. 58.15 umol/L, (p=0.0036) (p 0.01). A concern I noticed while researching this study is the accuracy of the statistical results since this study was two sided this means that curtain results were expected by both the test subjects and its administers. This study was also done on a small population of people, which is a bias in itself since the sample population lacks diversity. Factors like diet, environment and previous medications were not mentioned in the study which also can contribute to hepatic encephalopathy episodes. Another key factor that is important to gaining a reasonable sample through population is a correlation between test subjects. It was never mentioned in the article what type of liver failure the subjects suffer from nor did the article specify the severity of their condition. Works Cited Annes, Shari. HALT-HE Study Underscores Role of Ammonia in Hepatic MedNews. Micromedex, Nov. 2012. Web. 13 Nov. 2012. A New and Unique Way to Measure Liver Function. Liver Disease Questions. Liver Association of America, n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2012.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Social Phenomenon Warrants Sociological Research Essay Example for Free

Social Phenomenon Warrants Sociological Research Essay There are several social phenomenon’s and social problems that warrant sociological research however, there is one that stands out more in this mind than in any other one. Being a church going individual something that truly needs sociological research are the Mega Churches. What defines a mega church? Its basic description is â€Å"a congregation which has two thousand or more worship attendees in a week† (Thumma, 2007, para. 1). The megachurch is an organization unlike any other. In order to fully the megachurch, it must be viewed as a phenomenon rather than incredible growth or outstanding successful spiritual ventures. After investigating the megachurch there are several common characteristics that appeared. One of these common characteristics is obviously size, which is the most common characteristic; however, the list of traits is much longer. There are three distinctive ways of expressing the megachurch message. They are nontraditional, the conventional, and the composite. Just like all general descriptions of social phenomena, any megachurch will vary in its characteristics. On the other hand, these congregations have too much in common not to be seen as a distinctive social and religious reality. Megachurches are a new phenomenon. The megachurch is more than a church with a massive attendance. â€Å"It is a congregation with a distinctive pattern of organization, programmatic ministries, and membership relations† (Thumma, 2007, para. 5). The rapid growth of this form of congregations has become more and more within the last several decades. Almost all the current megachurches were founded after 1955; however, they mainly came about more around the decade of the eighties. Since Durkheim, sociologists have been interested in the church as a social phenomenon. Now Mega churches are a growing phenomenon in U. S. ociety. They attract the attention of scholars, religious leaders and journalists. Although most churchgoers in the United States still attend smaller churches, the attention of religious practice into large associations is an issue for sociologists studying religion and organizations. The problem with the megachurch is that there is a social issue there, such as questions like how do such large organizations function and survive? How does one minister, pastor, or reverend, attend to the need of so many people? I would research this social phenomenon by using the scientific method. The only real way to do it. I identified the problem, which is how do such large organizations function and survive? and how does one minister, pastor, or reverend, attend to the need of so many people? I then formulated the hypothesis of them having several associate pastors, and leaders in the church to help out with different activities and sections of the church. Then, I reviewed different literature on megachurches and how they operate and function. Lastly, I drew the conclusion to the research and found out how they function and hold things together. It turns out that the main or senior minister or pastor is not the only leader of the church. It turns out that there are large numbers of staff and volunteers. As the church grows, the number of â€Å"employees† so to speak grows too. They help coordinate and facilitate through the week and on the weekends. In my research I found out that â€Å"megachurches average 20 full-time paid leadership staff positions and 9 part-time positions. These churches also have on average 22 paid full-time and 15 paid part-time administrative or support staff positions† (Thumma, 2007, para. 36). On average there are more than 284 volunteers that put in more than five hours of work a week. More than 50% of these volunteers put in between 20 to 40 hours a week in service to the church. This therefore, supports my hypothesis that the minister has help in running the megachurch. In conclusion, based upon the research done a megachurch is a social phenomenon. Having so many people who socialize, sociologists have so much to research so that others can understand how things like this work. Through sociological research American society can get a better perspective on how different things go that not everyone is a part of. Therefore, giving sociologists a great demand.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Brazil Films and National Politics †City of God

Brazil Films and National Politics – City of God Brazil Films and National Politics – City of God Introduction: Culture and Politics: Culture in all its form happens to be the mirror of the society and the political scenario. Since ages primitive and ancient, intellectuals have used the platform of culture as the media through which they have vented their feelings regarding the popular happenings that have been enveloping them. Various types of literary movements and literary works, both novels and poems have been created by literary geniuses of various eras that have been showcasing the popular norms of every contemporary age. These literary works have along with reflecting the popular social and political order of the day had also become a very convenient stage where resistance and revolution against the same had been declared. Such stages often proved to be successful due to their immense social reach and appeal. With the innovation of motion pictures we see that culture and art did find a new dimension. Soon the creative geniuses of the arena of film making did use the various raging conte mporary political and social issues as the protagonist of their film plots to churn out some of the most influential films of all times. It has been often observed that the various trending cinema does reflect some of the most recent issues that happens to be coloring the current social and political condition and in turn these films also has a major influence in shaping up the future trends in the arena of politics, society and also the future patterns of culture. Discussion: Brazil as a Nation: America is often referred to as the pot boiler of cultures and it is one for sure. Out of the country the Americas or the Latin American countries are the ones that happens to be standing out in the said genre. Brazil is one of the most noteworthy countries of the Latin America both in terms of its geographical area and the population volume. In this context we see that Brazil which is officially the Federative Republic of Brazil is in fact the largets country in South America as well as the Latin American area. The nation is the World’s fifth largets country in terms of the area and the population mass and is again one of the largest Portugese speaking nation in the world and is the only Portuguese speaking country in the Latin American region. The nation is bound by the Atlantic Ocean on the eastern side and has a coastline that stretches for a distance of bout 7491 km. The borders of the nation touch the borders of most of the nations in the Latin Americ an region other than the nations of Ecuador and the Chile. The nation as a whole happens to occupy nearly 47.3 percent of the South American Continent. The nation has a long history of very tumulus political conditions that had been affected by the various change of political authorities which has also been interim by very violent outburst and civil security uncertainty. In the current times we see that the political instability of the country has some what abed and the country has seemed to found its long sought political stability. However even in the present scenario it could be said that the index of violent crime in the country is quite high especially the instances of gun violence and homicide is quite large in number. In the year 2012, the WHO estimated a number of 32 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants that has been stated to be the highest rate of intentional homicide in the entire world. The nation is however not very unanimous in its crime index in all the parts of the nation. Certain parts of the country seem to have a comparatively larger index of crime instances than the others. Brazil in fact has the third highest prison population in the world. The whole phenomenon clearly reveals that the number of criminals in he country is quite surging, which in fact happens to be reflecting the loop holes and the vices of the political and the economic systems of the nation. Brazilian Film Industry: Brazil again as an economy is quite vast and diversified. In fact it could be said that the national economy is a vastly researched and investigated arena with in the social structure of Brazil. Out of the various industries that do exist within the super structure of the Brazilian economy, the industry of film making in the contemporary times happens to be no insignificant stream. The Brazilian cinema wsa introduced in the country by the early 20th century. The stream did not happens to be an immediate success but at the same time we see that with time the stream did establish itself not just as a popular form of entertainment but also at the same time it again became a consolidated form of revenue generating source. The Brazilian fim making industry has seen its own ups and downs and for a long time has been dependant on the state funding and incentives programs. The Brazilian fil industry did come into operations as early as the late 1890s. The initial bla ck and white filsm that were made had been mainly on the local events that had taken place in the contemporary Brazilian society. In this case we again see that the later age films that were made and were the first of its class of fictional works and were known as the posed films were mainly fabricated on the local events of crimes and other political agenda. The first success of this genre was Francisco Marzullo’s â€Å"Os Estrabguladores† that had been released in the year 1906. As mentioned earlier the film industry of the nation was considerably supported by the State and the government. Much amount of the funding and the economic investment into the creation of the films were mainly made by the state as a result of which we see that the control of the government over the various facets of film making was again quite strong. This is a trend that in the later ages did happens to wan. In the later ages it was in fact found that slowly the investment of the state and the government into the film making operations did diminish considerably as a result of which we see that the slowly the art and the genre of making and producing films and cinema became an independent genre and we see that the government and state say and opinions were many times not given the chief importance. As a result of same we see that though the control of the government and the State authorities did not erase completely yet, Brazilian cinema did evolve as an independent form of art and creativity, that reflected the moral and the social and the political matters and issues in the contemporary context and also did attract attention of the common population just as the political heads towards the reigning problems of the nation. City of Gods (2002): From the huge labyrinth of the various films that has been made in the Brazilian context and in the same industry, in the article we will be throwing a flood of light on the film City of God that was called in Portuguese Cidade de Deus. The film was Brazilian crime drama that was directed by Fernando Meirelles and was again co directed by Katia Lund. The film was released in the homeland in the year 2002 and overseas in 2003. The film story was adapted by a novel of the same name however the plot of the film was influenced by certain events of the contemporary society. The film through its storyline does depict the growth of organized crime that could be seen in the region of Cidade de Deus or the suburbs of the capital city of Rio De Janeiro. The film era is that between 1960s to the 1980s. The climax of the film shows a war between the drug dealers and the Knockout Ned. The tagline of the film happens to showcase the contemporary situation of the Brazilian soci ety where the rate of crime happens to be quite high – that clearly reflects the idea that one is damned if he runs and is again damned if he does not. The Film was a world wide success and also attained world wide critical acclaim. Relevant against the National Backdrop: As mentioned earlier the Brazilian nation and also its culture is quite a fusion and has seen a large number of changes. Once again we see that the nation and its society even in the current times happen to face some very violent instances of crime and transgression. It is against the same backdrop that the film â€Å"City of Gods† have been depicted that set against the contemporary times happens to show case brilliantly the various ills and vices that happens to rest in the society of Brazil. Although the time pace of the film is not exactly current, nevertheless the current state of criminal violence and frivolities have been very aptly depicted in the film, that in its trails also highlights the various shortcomings and the loopholes of the political system of the nation. In this context it would not be completely wrong to point out that the various crimes that do take place in the context of the Brazilian society also has a strong i nput from the various wrong tremnds of the political scenario. In this context we see that the cinema City of Gods along with portraying the ills of crime, gang war and the vicious cycle of drugs that is prevalent in the nation also within it scope portrays the corrupt political super structure that happens to be fostering crime and anarchy. Hence the popular depiction not juts made the common population all the more aware of their own misery but at the same time did again attract the attention of the political and the economic elite that did turn their attention towards the problem of the Hybrid society of Brazil. Effect on the National Politics: Although many people of the international world beliefs that the Brazilian cinema is nothing more than the earlier comedies such as the chanchadas or the exotic sun bathed sea beaches that will be showcasing sun tanned bodies against the backdrop of a tropical paradise. Although this type of cinemam is not diffiocult to find in the Brazilian arena, nevertheless we see that Brazilian films in its maximum part is quite unflinching, confrontational and often on the brink of exteremely violent. In fact many critiques happens to say that Brazilian cinema is the most radical form of cinema. In fact it is the platform where the struggle for the country’s identity is activated and fought. City of God is far from being the escapism cinemamthat would export its audience to a world of color and fantasy and quite unlike the Carmen Miranda films. Like the Brazilian cinema history this film again has a more tilt and inclination towards solemn film making, th at brings the attention of the national political figure heads towards the regining problems and the ragiung issues of the era. This again has helped the political heads of the nation to have better understanding and gain insight into the psyche of the common people and the weay they happens to be viewing their nation and its society and the life that is offered to them by the both. In a correspondence to the same the national leaders could take the required and the decisive steps that would be fortifying the security and the civil peace issues of the nation, that would be curtailing the growth of crime and would be restoring a much more stable and peaceful social life for the population of the nation, that again will be much more conducive for the growth of the nation and its people at the very same time. Conclusion: On a concluding note it could be said that cinema is nothing but a popular portrayal of the common life and the common population. The trending phenomenon and the reigning agendas are often found to be the central issues of the films. In the recent times we see that films in maximum cases can be divided into two genres – the commercial and the influential. The commercial cinema is more into fantasy and fictional where as the influential films does cast the existing trends in the society and often creates ripples in the political level as well. The film City of Gods happens to be such a film that did depict the evils of crime in the Brazilian society with a lot of craft and in depth style, which in its totality again not just reflects the political system of the country but also influences the operational patterns of the same.

Monday, August 19, 2019

A Long Way From Chicago by Richard Peck :: A Long Way From Chicago Richard Peck

â€Å"A Long Way From Chicago† by Richard Peck The book â€Å"A Long Way From Chicago† is an adventurous and funny story. The story takes place at Joey Dowdel’s Grandmothers farm house in the country. Joey and his sister Mary Alice were sent to their Grandma’s house during the summer because their parents had to go to Canada for their work. At first, Joey felt uncomfortable with his Grandmother because he had never met her before but eventually he got to know her and they became close friends. On the first week at Grandma’s, a man named Shotgun Cheatman died. Everyone in the town went to the funeral because he was the well known assistant to the Mayor. The funeral was held in Grandma’s house and a creepy thing happened that night when Tom the cat crawled inside the casket. The next day, Joey, Mary Alice and Grandma left the house and walked across fields of tall grass and â€Å"cow pies aplenty† to Salt Creek to go fishing. They found an old wooden boat and Grandma rowed the boat out into the creek. While on their fishing adventure, they encountered a cottonmouth snake that fell into the boat and a party of drunken men on land dancing in their underwear. Strange things began to happen the next couple days. First, Joey was in the living room of Grandma’s house making a jig saw puzzle. He heard the sound of a horses hooves walking slowly on the street then the sound stopped in front of the house and heard someone put something in Grandma’s mail box. Joey heard the horse walk away and a little while later Grandma’s mailbox blew up. Next, Ms. Wilcox’s outhouse was destroyed by a cherry bomb. Then, a dead mouse was found floating in the bottle of milk that was delivered to the front

Love and Violence in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men Essay -- Steinbe

Love and Violence in Of Mice and Men In Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, the characters display a definite violence directed toward those they love. "The Ballad of Reading Gaol" relates to what seems to be the destructive tendencies of the men in this book. Though Lennie's ruinous behavior originates from his childlike fascination with soft things, George and Candy appear to have almost productive reasons for causing harm. The differing means of hurting those they love emerge throughout the book in harsh words as well as in violence. Love can wound for different reasons and in different ways as in correlation with the poem, but that love is not always disastrous. Lennie's incredible need often causes him to be "a man [who] kills the thing he loves." Recurrently, the reader is reminded of the way in which Lennie inadvertently kills animals and frightens people. For example, at the pool George and Lennie reveal in their conversation the reason that they are traveling. Lennie got himself into trouble in the last town for petting a woman's dress "like it was a mouse." This obvious innocence foreshadows the inevitable end to Lennie's carelessness. Trouble follows the two men because Lennie cannot realize what he is doing wrong. George can only call him "a crazy son-of-a-bitch" and pretend that he does not want the responsibility of the childish man. However, the powerful simpleton never means harm to his victims or comprehends the complications to George that come from the things he does. His thoughtless manner in which he lives represents those who continue to hurt their loves because they cannot think beyond their own needs. When Candy has his dog killed, it is intentional. In part, he allows this to... ... not display it earlier in the plot, he is the only one "brave" enough to "do the deed" personally. The poem lists several ways in which people hurt those that they love. With Lennie, this is entirely unintentional. He never means harm to anyone, but with the capricious way in which he treats everything he wants to love, it is inevitable. Curlie's wife simply disregards the needs of others to satisfy her own, and this is willful selfishness. In Candy and George's case, however, the harm is deliberate, but not malicious. The "bitter" words that hurt Lennie are mostly used to help him because he cannot take care of himself. George, though he never admits that he loves his friend, acknowledges that he must occasionally be harsh to do good for Lennie. Sometimes hurting someone is necessary because of the love for the relationship, not in spite of it. Love and Violence in John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men Essay -- Steinbe Love and Violence in Of Mice and Men In Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, the characters display a definite violence directed toward those they love. "The Ballad of Reading Gaol" relates to what seems to be the destructive tendencies of the men in this book. Though Lennie's ruinous behavior originates from his childlike fascination with soft things, George and Candy appear to have almost productive reasons for causing harm. The differing means of hurting those they love emerge throughout the book in harsh words as well as in violence. Love can wound for different reasons and in different ways as in correlation with the poem, but that love is not always disastrous. Lennie's incredible need often causes him to be "a man [who] kills the thing he loves." Recurrently, the reader is reminded of the way in which Lennie inadvertently kills animals and frightens people. For example, at the pool George and Lennie reveal in their conversation the reason that they are traveling. Lennie got himself into trouble in the last town for petting a woman's dress "like it was a mouse." This obvious innocence foreshadows the inevitable end to Lennie's carelessness. Trouble follows the two men because Lennie cannot realize what he is doing wrong. George can only call him "a crazy son-of-a-bitch" and pretend that he does not want the responsibility of the childish man. However, the powerful simpleton never means harm to his victims or comprehends the complications to George that come from the things he does. His thoughtless manner in which he lives represents those who continue to hurt their loves because they cannot think beyond their own needs. When Candy has his dog killed, it is intentional. In part, he allows this to... ... not display it earlier in the plot, he is the only one "brave" enough to "do the deed" personally. The poem lists several ways in which people hurt those that they love. With Lennie, this is entirely unintentional. He never means harm to anyone, but with the capricious way in which he treats everything he wants to love, it is inevitable. Curlie's wife simply disregards the needs of others to satisfy her own, and this is willful selfishness. In Candy and George's case, however, the harm is deliberate, but not malicious. The "bitter" words that hurt Lennie are mostly used to help him because he cannot take care of himself. George, though he never admits that he loves his friend, acknowledges that he must occasionally be harsh to do good for Lennie. Sometimes hurting someone is necessary because of the love for the relationship, not in spite of it.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Belief Systems and Gender Roles in Dracula :: Dracula Essays

Belief Systems and Gender Roles in Dracula There is a classic "good versus evil" plot to this novel. The evil of course being Count Dracula and the Good being represented by the Harkers, Dr. Seward and Lucy, Arthur, Quincy and the Professor. It is the continuing battle between Dracula and the forces of good. Good in this case is the Christian God. The battle is foretold by the landlady where she says, "It is the eve of St Georges Day. Do you no know that tonight, when the clock strikes midnight, all the evil things in the world will have full sway?" and she hands Harker a crucifix (p 12). The crucifix and the empty cross are symbols of fear, loathing and danger to Dracula. There is a certain irony here as the cross is the ultimate symbol of redemption to all Christians. Sin or rather the dark side of humanity's turning from God is recognized and can be redeemed by coming to the cross. The cross is also a symbol of resurrection. The resurrection is the gift of eternal life through Christ to which all Christians can aspire. This is opposed to the Un-Dead nature of Dracula. He is immortal but it is not an eternal joyful thing. Indeed the eternity is always under threat by the very normalcy and goodness of people like the Harkers. This book is set in an age where science and the world of the Enlightenment, that is the world of rational thought and proven theories, ruled. Dr. Seward represents this world. It is opposed to the seemingly unexplainable world of Dracula and his world of mystery and fable. The events that the different characters experience, although documented faithfully are thought too unbelievable by Professor Van Helsing to be passed on (p 486). It is as if the truth can't be handled by the world at large or that by retaining the story to themselves the central characters will preserve a very terrible but precious memory. A memory made precious because of the depths of courage and faith that had to be mined by and in each of them. This is not a case of post-modern thought challenging the modernist attitudes of that Enlightenment nor can it be because post-modernist thought was not formulated in the book's context.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Family Restaurant Business Plan Essay

Executive Summary Castle’s Family restaurant has eight locations spread out in northern California. Jay Morgan acts as the human resource manager and operations manager. Jay Morgan is also responsible of doing the payroll and making the schedule. He travels to different locations to take care of all of that. Jay Morgan would like to not have to travel to different location and save  money, while also focusing more on the operations of the business. Since gas prices are going up really fast, spending less time and money on traveling will give Jay Morgan more time to focus on promoting the business. Jay Morgan has to come up with ways to promote the business because all the competitors are coming up with different ideas to bring customers into the restaurant. Since most of the employees are part-time, Jay Morgan has to go to every location to take care of the payroll and scheduling. The plan is to show Jay Morgan how he can save time and money by using the Human Resources Information System (HRIS). HRIS will have fewer errors than manual entry. Once HRIS in loaded, making a fiscal plan will show how much money is being saved and how effective it is. It will help Jay Morgan compete with competitors and be better then some competitors. Introduction Castle’s family owned business is a small business that is spread out in northern California area with eight different locations. Jay Morgan is the only manager and he acts as an operations and HR manager at the same time. Castle’s restaurants currently employ over 300 employees including full-time and part-time. Jay Morgan spends most of his time going around to different locations. He would like to stay at one place and take care of everything form his office. Jay Morgan feels like he could use some help from HRIS. HRIS will help Jay Morgan get everything done from his office. Which will save the company a lot of money and will reduce most of the human errors. Jay Morgan will also be able to better manage his time and put his time towards more important things. Company Review The family owned business currently has eight locations spread out in northern California. Castle’s family owned business is planning on opening a few newer locations to expand their customer base. The restaurant industry has been growing day-by-day with more then 990,000 restaurants in the United States and still growing. Estimated sales for 2014 for the restaurant industry is approximately around $683.3 billion. Castle’s family restaurant currently employs over 300 employees, Most of the employees are part-time and around 40% of the employees are full-time. Most of the stuff data entry, payroll and many other things are still done manually. When the company starts to expand, the company will have to hire more employees. This will make Jay Morgan’s job even harder and more stressful. As of now, everything is done manually that includes, payroll, scheduling, benefits, and many other things. Jay Morgan has to travel to every location to get most of the work done which includes scheduling, payroll and answering any questions. Jay Morgan uses Excel to take care of the payroll and has a different application to print them. He hands out paychecks to employees when he’s at the location. Employees have no way of getting their questions answer until Jay Morgan comes to the restaurant to visit. All of the things could be made easier by using HRIS software, which will also reduce in human errors and make the process much faster for everything. Business Analysis Castle’s family restaurant has eight different locations spared out in Northern California. Everything is still done the old way by entering everything manually that includes payroll, scheduling, benefits and many more things. In order for the company to meet human resource (HR) needs the HRM system has to improve or use a new and efficient way to do things. Changing the HRM system will help the company manage many things differently and faster. In order for Jay Morgan to do things now including employee scheduling, Jay Morgan has to go to the location. Sometime some things might not get done because of not having the right tools to get the job done. Going to every location to take care of things is a bit hectic and stressful. Where it s stressful for Jay Morgan the company is wasting a lot of money and time as well. Castle’s restaurant business could take advantage of the HRIS. By taking advantage of HRIS software and technology, things could be made much simpler, easier, and could help the company grow. Also, in order for the company to stay competitive with other same line companies, Castle’s restaurant need to take advantage of HRIS software. HRIS software is the best way to find solution to most of the HR problems. HRIS helps you do many different things form your office or while your on the go. HRIS has made things like payroll, scheduling, befits and employee  performance measurement made easier without going anywhere. There are a few risks to entering everything manually compared to using HRIS software. Amount of data that’s being entered every day by clerks it’s easy to make a mistake. When there are mistakes someone will have to go back and fix them, that will cost the company a lot of money and it will be waste of time. This could lead for the company to lose the trust of employees. Since there is a lot of people that are living paycheck to paycheck. If they can’t get their paycheck as the right time they won’t be able to pay their bills on time. As of now all the tasks are done manually, they have to rely on manual data entry for everything. Jay Morgan does the payroll manually as well and hands the checks out manually as well. There are no direct ways for the employees to get a hold of an HR manger to discuss any issues. Issues are only discussed when the HR manager visits the store. Also, it’s hard to observe an employee. Observing an employee could take a lot of time. In order to observe the employees correctly, you have to spend some time working with the employee. In this case, Jay Morgan doesn’t have enough time to go to every location and observe every single employee. Since the employees don’t get observed they don’t get to know about the things they are doing wrong and how to fix them. By not observing the employees and not letting them know what things they need to fix could cost the company a lot of money. HRIS software provides solution to all of the problems that Jay Morgan is currently facing. In summary Jay Morgan does everything as of now manually, which is not stable for a growing business or a business that is looking to expand. By using the HRIS system will make the company more stable. Also it will be easier for the castle’s family restaurant to serve their customer better and also take care of the employees. HRIS Type/Comparison HRIS software can help Castle restaurant business a lot and can also take a lot of stress of Jay Morgan’s shoulders. There are a lot of different types of HRIS software that could help Jay Morgan in different ways. By using any of the HRIS software, Jay Morgan will be able to work from one place without going anywhere. Most of the HRIS software will let him work from home or  anywhere. The result of this will help the company save up a lot of money and will help Jay Morgan save a lot of time as well. Overall, using HRIS software will help Jay Morgan and make things go much smoother. There are a lot of types of HRIS software out there. Choosing the right HRIS software is always important for the business. Lewin’s three-step change model is a good example that can be fallowed. It explains how technology can bring efficiency for a company. It would be a good guide to fallow. It also states how technology can help make tasks stress free. This is an important reason why an HRIS is critical. Ultipro is one the HRIS software that has been out in the business for over 20 years providing excellent solution to their customers. Ultipro has many different built in functions like time and attendance, payroll, scheduling and many more that could help Jay Morgan take a lot of stress of his shoulders. Ultipro lets employee’s request days off straight from Ultipro and it also lets them upload their availability to Ultipro. Ultipro makes employee schedules according to the availability. Scheduling is one of the main problems Jay Morgan is running into all the time. In order for Jay Morgan to make employee schedule he has to go out to every location. It also gets hard for the employees to request days off and work according to their availability. In order to solve this problem and make everything run smooth, Jay Morgan needs to take advantage of the HRIS software. HRIS software will let him make the schedule at his office and send it out to the employees really fast. Using HRIS also works in favor of the employees. HRIS scheduling software lets employees request days off straight from that software and lets them upload their availability. This will let Jay Morgan schedule according the employees availability. This also lets the employees have access to the schedule much faster. Which is good, because if they are not happy with the schedule they got they can email Jay Morgan to change their schedule in advance before it too late. Using the HRIS scheduling software also saves the company a lot of money by letting Jay Morgan sit in his office and get things done instead of traveling to every location to make the schedule. Intuit is one of the vendors that offer different types of HRIS software. Intuit offers QuickBooks, which is used for payroll and print checks. QuickBooks also works with third party software. This will let the Castle’s  family business use third party software for scheduling and recruiting and other things. Intuit also offers time keeping software for little extra cost. It lets the employees log in and lets them clock-in and clock-out. Time and attendance works with payroll, which lets payroll pull the information from time and attendance. Also, it reduces errors while putting in the numbers into payroll. Payroll also lets you print paychecks straight form payroll and keeps track of printed checks. It also lets you pick the style of the paychecks of your choice. It has also made easier to set up direct deposit for the employees, which could save the company a lot of money. It also has the option where you can print out your W-2 from QuickBooks payroll. Payroll automatically calculates state and federal taxes and also could paid with just a click. PDS is another vendor that brings different types of software to HR to help them make things simple and easy. PDS offers different software for training, recruiting, attendance, benefits and many more. PDS benefit plan lets the employees enroll in plan of their choice in a few minutes. If employees don’t like the plan they are currently enrolled in they are able to change their plain with few steps at any time without any hassle. Employees don’t have to fill out any paper work. They are able to enroll in the benefits online and have all their benefits information at their fingertips. Payroll function lets you create checks and print them. It also lets you customize checks with you company logo. Payroll software work with the time and attendance function, it pulls information from time and attendance to create checks for the right amount. It reduces errors compared to entering data manually. Employees are also able to set up direct deposit and are able to view paystubs o nline. Recruiting is also made easy using the PDS recruiting software. It provides the company with the tools that will allow them to gather applicant data by a corporate website. Once the data is collected, it’s put in a stand-alone database where it’s easier for the recruiter to monitor and control contact. It also lets you put a link on corporate’s website to provide access to this tool where jobs can be posted with descriptions and with the required qualifications. Training is very important for the company to succeed and expand. It give corporate the ability to put up the training on the website for the employees to take in  order for them to succeed. Corporate has total control of the training. They are able to choose what type of training they need to put up and when they want to make them due. This HRIS software can help Jay Morgan is many different ways. HRIS Vendor Recommendation Looking at the things Jay Morgan has to face and understanding the Castleâ€⠄¢s Family restaurant is looking to expand, PDS is the best option for them. PDS will also give Jay Morgan the ability to sit in his office and work from there with traveling to every location. It will also save him time that he put toward focusing in the other things to make the business more stable and better then the competitors. Providing a solution to the current problems Jay Morgan is facing and a solution that will help the company succeed when they expand their business. It is recommended that Castle’s Family Restaurant use PDS to make things smoother. Kottler’s eight- stage model was a theory that was developed after observing. Observations are a good way to study change. This theory helps managers avoid any downfalls in their change. Implementing an HRIS system is a huge change for organizations. I suggest Castle’s Family Restaurant to use PDS because they are a trusted vendor. They can be counted on during the change at the restaurant. PDS has been serving different types of industries including retail, restaurants, education, government and many more. PDS software will also offer phone support. If they come across any problems they will be able to call them and get it figured out. This PDS software will provide solutions to all the problems that have been pointed out by Jay Morgan. Also, it is going to help the Castle’s Family Restaurant make better decisions in the future. PDS software’s scheduling function will let Jay Morgan make the schedule at his office. He wouldn’t have to travel to every location to make the employees’ schedules. Which will save the company money from traveling expenses. This will let the employees access their schedule from any workstation at work by logging in and they will be able put in their work availability. This makes it much easier for Jay Morgan to make schedules according to the employee’s availability. Employees are able to put in requests for the days they want off and it will notify the manager when he/she is making the schedule. Time and attendance function lets employees clock-in from any workstatio n that has the PDS time and attendance software installed on. This function will also show the  employees their schedule as well and it will show them what time they clocked-in and what time they clocked-out. When employees request a day off through the time and attendance function the manager gets an email letting them know that a certain employee has requested a day off. If the manager approves the request, the employee will get message on time and attendance function letting them know that the request has been approved. As of now, Jay Morgan is using an Excel spreadsheet for payroll and has a computer application to print checks. The payroll function of PDS works with the time and attendance function. Payroll automatically pulls information from the time and attendance function to make the checks. PDS payroll also calculates overtime pay if employee has worked any overtime during that pay period. Since it automatically pulls information from time and attendance it will reduce errors while entering numbers. Employees have to option to set up a direct deposit or have their check sent to them. It gives employees the ability to view their paystub using any work workstation. It also gives the HR manager the ability to choose what they want to print on a paycheck. By using the PDS software it will save the company a lot of money and will take a lot of stress off of Jay Morgan’s shoulders. It will also be easier for the employees get access to things. Since Castle’s family restaurant is trying to expand it will help them in the future. PDS software will give the company the ability to compete with other businesses in the same industry. Conclusion I have presented different solution that will help Jay Morgan take a load of his shoulders. Also I have suggested a one software out of two that will be the best fit for Jay Morgan’s situation, also explained why that software will be the best fit and how it will help jay Morgan compete against the competitors in the same industr y. The solution is also going to help Jay Morgan when Castle’s Family Restaurant is expanding. Reference Facts at a Glance | National Restaurant Association. (n.d.). Retrieved from Intuit payroll general disclosure: Intuit payroll information. (n.d.). Retrieved

Friday, August 16, 2019

Why do we need to focus on the concept of secularism if we want to understand the role of religion in contemporary affairs?

Introduction Globalization in the 21st century has resulted in greater diversity of peoples and religious pluralism across the globe. Alongside a global resurgence in religion, this trend has engendered new patterns of interaction and shifting perceptions in the modern political and public sphere (Thomas, 2005; Hurd, 2008). This scenario poses a direct challenge to the modern political system internationally as it upholds secular politics as the universal foundation for international relations favoured for the stability and peace it engenders. Concern regarding the potential for social conflict and violence has heightened since the events of September 11, 2001 as well as the present tensions among secularist Western nations and religious states of Turkey and Iran. These challenges give the problem of religious pluralism much of its urgency (Thomas, 2005). Secularism refers to a movement that seeks for rejection, indifference, or exclusion of religion and religious considerations in contemporary a ffairs. In political terms it refers to the belief that religion should not play a role in government, education, or other parts of society in the quest towards the separation of and/or reduction of ties between religion and government (often referred to as the church and the state) (Taylor, 2010). This is deemed necessary to enable the protection of the rights of religious minorities among other positions in a pluralist society, and therefore to enhance democracy (Taylor, 2005). Given its success in Western democracies ending the sectarian violence in Europe and enabling the peaceful stable co-existence of various communities in the United States (Hurd, 2008), the concept is however viewed with disdain and suspicion in non-Western states and cultures especially those with predominant Muslim beliefs. This sentiment derives from the system’s assumption of moral high ground leading to its belittling of other cultures and alternative approaches; contempt for religion in public l ife; and the legitimizing of regressions of negotiations with regard to alternative approaches (Taylor, 1998). This paper explores the need to focus on the concept of secularism in order to understand the role of religion in contemporary affairs. The endeavour of this exploration is to find a solution to challenges in the dominance of secularism in the modern public and political sphere which engenders resistance and and portends violent conflict. Secularism’s meanings, history and transformations, its dominant varieties, as well as its strengths and limitations are focused upon in following sections. History of secularism Secularism is a political tradition which has continued to evolve over eight centuries sharing important relationships with religious traditions such as Judeo-Christianity with which it sustains complex ties, and Islam, its primary alter-ego with which it maintains a long-standing relationship (Philpott, 2000). The ‘secular’ notion has through time taken on a range of meanings with the earliest reference, saeculum, traced to the 13th century referring to a dualistic opposition within Christianity. Often with negative connotations, this term was used to distinguish ‘worldly’ clergy from those living in seclusion in monasteries (Taylor, 2010). The term gradually shed off its ‘Godless’ and profane connotation by the 16th century acquiring a new description of a transforming world. To secularize in the latter instance referred to the conversion from religious/priestly to civil possession or use. This process is described by Casanova (1994; 24) as th e ‘passage, transfer, or relocation of persons, things, function, meanings, and so forth, from their traditional locations in the religious sphere to secular spheres.’ Onwards from the 19th century, further transformation led secularism to assume its present recognition in current language which describes a movement†¦ ‘expressly intended to provide a certain theory of life and conduct without reference to a deity or a future life’ (Hurd, 2008). Secularists, therefore, refers to those of the belief that the church (the religious) and the worldly are in a continued historical contest, in which the world is gaining an upper hand irreversibly. Two characteristics of secularism are revealed in its relevance to international relations and the political sphere. Secularization’s earlier reference to the ‘acquisition or possession’ of land (church properties) and people, usually by state actors, entailed massive appropriation and expropriati on and often instigated religious wars (Asad, 2003). Despite secularization’s contemporary reference to the separation of the church and the state predominant in Western circles, its meaning and connotation in the above context (now overshadowed), is still retained in many non-Western contexts (Taylor, 1998). For instance, with particular regard to the Middle East, the principle of secularism has served to legitimize the suppression of local practices and political establishments. This has contributed to the hegemonic attempt to transform or to ‘take possession’ of the region in pursuit of contemporary Western ideals (Hurd, 2008). In the second instance, an important characteristic derived is secularism’s presumption to clearly distinguish between transcendental and temporal matters. In its definition of what is considered ordinary, or mundane, it by default assigns a place for religion with the secular notion only making sense relative to its religious co unterpart (Hurd, 2004). As Asad (2003; 192) argues, secularism defines itself as the foundation upon which the ‘religious’ is fashioned; the point at which dialogue on theology is hatched in the discourse of modernity. It thus assumes itself to be above the fray holding alternative approaches particularly those associated with religion in condescension and as threatening. These characteristics present distinct sets of problems: first, is its potential to jeopardize democratic politics given that groups or individuals dissenting to the secular approach are considered threatening to stability and are shut out of public deliberations. Secularists, for example, generally shun non-theistic public philosophies and are notably extremely wary of political Islam (Davie, 2003). This is the reason, for instance, politics of Turkey and Pakistan in support of a civic role for Islam and which involve non-secular and non-Western platforms and partiesare frowned upon and are worrisome to Western secularist ideals. They threaten the boundaries that secularists impose between the sacred and the secular (Banchoff, 2007). Dislike and disapproval consequent to this makes Western powers, regardless of their actual policies, to be perceived as backing the repression of Islamist parties which increases the potential for terrorism (Hurd, 2008; Bruce, 2003). Contrary to secularism’s self-representation, it has sometimes been associated with the unjust, domineering and violent yet within the movement, there is a predilection to associate religion with these negative traits in the public sphere (Taylor, 1998; Hurd, 2008). Secularism’s automatic linkage with democracy and public order is thus questionable. An indiscriminate secularism in an increasingly interdependent, pluralist and globalized world in which individuals and groups derive morality from different sources is prone to risks. These risks include potential uprisings from adherents and supporters of al ternative non-secular/non-Western approaches shut out from negotiations between religion and politics and in pursuit of public order (Banchoff, 2007; Davie, et al, 2003). Given secularism’s dominance in successful Western democracies, there is also a risk of blindness to its limitations. The following section describes two varieties of secularism and explores their implications for international politics and affairs in the public sphere which have been shown to be significant (Hurd, 2008). Laicism and international relations Laicism refers to the belief in the need to exclude religion from the public realm of politics and confining it to a space where it cannot threaten the liberties of â€Å"free thinking† citizens and political stability (Taylor, 1998). This belief forms the essence of present-day political thought. Through a complex and contested process, this approach attempts to limit and to regulate ‘religious’ disputes thus provide an authoritative and self-reliant public space (Philpott, 2000). The consequent separation of the church and state was intended to serve as a basis for provide the basis for cohesive politics and efficiency in the face of diversity and religious pluralism. Laicism relegates religion and associated beliefs to ‘things’ to be studied or an inferior culture conflicting with the ideals of modern living, politics and development (Hurd, 2008). Consequently, secularism has been described by some as having a strain of dogmatism given its propensi ty to validate a single authoritative basis of public ethics and reason (Taylor, 1998). The policing and constant delineation of this boundary poses challenges especially when society diversifies to contain substantial numbers of adherents of non-Judeo-Christian religions often suspicious of such endeavours (Hurd, 2008; Casanova, 1994). There are therefore calls for a more vibrant pluralist approach in the public sphere. Judeo-Christian secularism and international relations Through its acknowledgement of a place for religion in politics, this approach avoids the pitfalls that befall laicism. In its ‘common ground strategy,’ codes of political order and peaceful co-existence are agreed upon by members of a political community based on common doctrines (Taylor, 2010). However, these common set of values has its roots in Christianity which is a significant feature defining Western civilization (Philpott, 2000). It should be noted that many other religions around the world have complicated patterns of church-state relations as Christianity (Hurd, 2004). The challenge for global relations in this regard, is that secularism, however defined, ends at the boundaries of Western civilization which portends a fault line between the West and non-West ‘common grounds’ (Davie, et al, 2003; Thomas, 2005; Myers and Brodeur, 2006). Such a common ground exclusively dependent upon Western religious traditions is thus ill equipped to meet the dema nds of contemporary societies in and outside the West. In this regard, the common ground therefore becomes a representation of one among many parties or interests (Davie, 2003; Davie, et al, 2003; Philpott, 2000). With these limitations of the dual approaches of secularism, it is necessary in the interest of foregoing international relations and contemporary affairs to rethink the secular social reality. There might be need to approach secularism as among possible solutions to modern challenges associated with religion and public order. The secularization paradigm has served well as a model for the accommodation of religious pluralism and diversity in the public sphere, guiding decision-making in various contexts (Banchoff, 2007; Taylor, 2005). Yet consensus on secular public order is not universally shared and is sometimes viewed unkindly, with contempt, or out rightly rejected by those dominated and/or excluded as â€Å"religious†; those who disagree with the transcendental /temporal divide; and those who feel that their politics, culture and territory has been ‘taken over’ or is challenged through secularist justifications. Also included are those who feel closed out of public debate and discourse (Haynes, 1998; Casanova, 1994; Bruce, 2003). Secularism belittles non-Western alternatives in the negotiation of religion and politics, expressing contempt for religion in public life, particularly with regard to Islam, and legitimizes repression of negotiations of such alternative approaches. Through its insistence of neutrality and identification with rationality, freedom and the democratic, secularism engenders what is described by Honig (Hurd, 2008; Casanova, 1994) as resistances and remainders. The latter constitute those within secularism who seek to upset conventional assumptions about morality, rationality and good. Secularism strives to silence these by shifting them onto the category of the religious in clearly dangerous tendencies wit h potential to incite violence and counter-reactions (Hurd, 2008). At present, secularism lays claim to the right to define the role of religion in politics and in so doing closes off important debates regarding possible alternative moral bases and public order. This, in turn, makes secularists to be perceived as seeking to privatize and to define the political domain (Banchoff, 2007; Bruce, 2003). This engenders hostile responses and criticisms against its hegemonic objectives and aspirations from among the excluded with some resorting to extreme tactics to air their grievances (Banchoff, 2007; Haynes, 1998). Such eventualities are not solely attributable to extremist religious belief as commonly perceived (Thomas, 2005), but as shown can be in response to secularism’s fervent attempts towards the universalization of secular modernity through its specific model. In both its varieties, secularism occasionally acts as a belief intolerant of other beliefs, exhibiting a tendency to restrict political space (Taylor, 1998; Myers and Brodeur, 2006). It is widely agreed that secularism, including its clearly anti-religious variants, needs to be re-evaluated as a model for the organization of public life through the exploration of its implications for contemporary affairs. This is particularly needful with regard to states outside of historical Christendom and settler colonies upon which secularism is foisted upon (Davie, et al, 2003; Thomas, 2005; Hurd, 2008). It seems that secularism operates blindly with regard to its unforeseen implications and the consequences of its tendencies to pursue the universalization of its mores. Its zealous struggle against religious intolerance blinds it to its own inadequacies while it claims moral superiority and displaces violent and antidemocratic tendencies to the domain of ‘religion’ and religious fervour or unrestrained commitment (Taylor, 2005; Hurd, 2004). Though secularism purports to be external in the te rritorial contest between religion and politics, it is not as its history and nature locates it within the spectrum of theological politics (Philpott, 2000). Religion is an ingrained marker of collective identity and entails the submersion of ultimate meaning in people’s beliefs and practices, including social and institutional practices (Banchoff, 2007). There are social and political challenges posed by emergent religious pluralism inherent in the interaction among religious groups in society and politics. A clash of religious communities in the political arena may cause core pillars of democracy to falter: minority rights and majority rule (Banchoff, 2007; Bruce, 2003). Religious tensions may undermine effective government by the majority and, as well, dominant traditions may seek to constrain minority groups. However, a multiplicity of faith traditions presents not just challenges for governance and social cohesion but also opportunities for a more vibrant political cultu re and civil society. For instance, rising faith communities (especially Islam) are engaging democratic processes wherever they reside in the world, and secular majorities and established religious groups are also accommodative (not just resistant) to the new dynamic cultural and political landscape (Haynes, 1998). In foregoing discourse, this paper does not propose the reversal of secularism or the reinstatement of religion in the public sphere. In its stead, the secular ideas of democratic politics should be broadened to acknowledge positive contributions of other approaches such as the non-secular and the non-Western to pubic life and religion. There must be developed a space for continuous discourse among religious traditions, as well as among the religious and the secular so as to transcend the volatile limitations of the secularist approaches. This would also enable the incorporation of a non-hegemonic place for religion in politics addressing the conflicting legacy of secular ization in public sphere in the West and outside it. If this is not addressed, those excluded may eventually haunt and destabilize the same closures that bring about their exclusion. It is therefore imperative for the international community to consider the support of pluralistic democracy which inevitably might entail support for religious parties rather than propping up secularist political solutions. Minority voices in the new dispensation need to be heard. Remedy through the reconsideration of procedure is deemed insufficient given secularism’s prior assumption of itself as above the fray; marking its domain and associating itself with rational argument, tolerance, justice, common sense, public interest, and public authority (Davie, et al, 2003; Thomas, 2005). It thus derides religion as that which is not. Most secularists refuse to acknowledge the possible functioning of alternative non-secular and yet democratic models of order in the public sphere which could be legiti mate rivals to its dominance (Banchoff, 2007; Davie, et al, 2003; Taylor, 2005). Conclusion Focus on the concept of secularism affords us the opportunity to observe that the current foundation of international politics is far from being neutral or universal given its religious heritages and character to which it seems oblivious. Secularism’s self-confidence in its objectivity and neutrality which then drives its hegemonic aspirations may therefore be a threat to the preservation of global peace and security. It is thus argued that for value pluralism to hold, relations in contemporary affairs including the international public sphere (international relations) must distance themselves from secularist history and especially its connotations and negative perceptions. The secular foundation of modernity, particularly secularism’s assumptions concerning the inevitability of secularization, must be reconsidered and better relations among states and religions fostered in order to strengthen political interdependence and international freedom, as well as to forestall conflicts from conflicting values. The majorities must respect religious freedom but must also grapple with varied traditions such as Islam which incorporate different views of social obligation and personal responsibility – some which are at odds with dominant secular views. Therefore, the secular foundation must be exchanged with a post-secular project in which secularism and religion are considered on equal footing. References Asad, T. 2003. Formations of the Secular, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press Banchoff, T. (ed.) 2007. Democracy and the New Religious Pluralism, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Bruce, S. 2003. Politics and Religion, Cambridge: Polity Casanova, J. 1994. Public Religions in the Modern World, Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press Davie, G. 2003. ‘The Evolution of the Sociology of Religion’ In: Michele Dillon (ed.), Handbook of the Sociology of Religion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 61-84. Davie, G., P., Heelas, and L., Woodhead (eds.) 2003, Predicting Religion: Christian, Secular and Alternative Futures. London: Ashgate. Haynes, J. 1998. Religion and Global Politics, London & New York: Longman Hurd, E. 2004, ‘The Political Authority of Secularism in International Relations’, In: European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 10, no. 2 Hurd, E, 2008. The politics of secularism in International Relations, Princeton: Princeton University Press. Myers, S. and P. Brodeur, (eds.) 2006, The Pluralist Paradigm: Democracy and Religion in the 21st Century. Scranton and London: Scranton University Press Philpott, D. 2000. â€Å"The Religious Roots of Modern International Relations.† In: World Politics 52 (January): 206-245. Taylor, C. 1998. ‘Modes of Secularism,’ In: R. Bhargava (ed.) Secularism and its Critics. Calcutta: Oxford University Press, pp. 31-53. Taylor, P., 2005. Freedom of religion: UN and European human rights law and practice. Cambridge: CUP Taylor, C. 2010. â€Å"The Meaning of Secularism,† In: The Hedgehog Review, fall. Thomas, S. 2005. Global Resurgence of Religion and the Transformation of International Relations, London: Basingstoke